Hi, my name is Lindsey. And what I learned this year is that there’s two types of goals and problems in your life. The first type is the type that provides the most stress. This is time-sensitive things. Maybe it has to do with the stakes — you’re looking for a job that you can’t find, that kind of thing. Maybe you want to get married, but you don’t have a boyfriend. These problems are things that time will probably solve. So I’m not stressed out about the same things that I was a year ago — those are time problems.

There’s another set of goals or problems that time won’t solve. Like writing that novel you always wanted to write, or spending more time with your kids. That’s the type of thing that won’t cause you stress in the short term because you know you have more time.

But I think when we look back on our lives we’ll think of all those things that we didn’t stress out about, because we had so much time. And we’ll wonder if we could’ve done more of those things. So I think that’s the lesson I have learned: to try to stress less about the things that will be solved with time, and concentrate more on the things that just time itself won’t solve, that you have to put in the extra effort to solve yourself.
Source:Tumblr @thisyearilearned


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